Huma Qureshi, who plays a pivotal role in Rajinikanth's 'Kaala Karikaalan', has wrapped her portion. The team celebrated her association with the film by throwing her a party in one of Mumbai's most popular restobar. The team had been reportedly shooting with the actress over the last few days in a college in the suburbs, and on the highway.
Huma had recently spoken about her experience working with Thalaivar. Calling it “amazing” she said, “When he walks, everybody becomes silent and make space for him. For me, the most beautiful thing with him is the simplicity he carries. He is such a humble person. I have never seen a superstar who is so humble, who is so simple and down-to-earth.” When asked if she didn't feel overshadowed by him, she said, “Even if I were made to stand like a tree next to him, I would have been very happy. But thankfully, Ranjith (Director) has written a great role for me. Acting in another language is very difficult, for me, as an actor. So, the roles have to be worth it. It's a powerful role, and it's more special as it is Rajini sir's film.”
Calling working with Rajinikanth a learning experience, Huma said, “He is such an amazing actor. Once he is on sets, he never leaves it. He stays and watches over the work; he is always observing. There is so much to learn from him.”