Kollywood actress Hansika Motwani has signed yet another film with Atharvaa. To be directed by Sam Anton of 'Darling Fame', the new crew held a pooja, announcing the beginning of the shoot. The yet to be titled film has cinematography by Krishnan Vasant and editing by Ruben.
A source said, “Anton wanted to have a fresh pair and Atharvaa and Hansika seemed to be ideal. The movie is a pucca action thriller and Atharvaa will play a cop for the first time.” Yogi Babu plays the comedian in the film and the shoot began on December 10, in Chennai. Atharvaa currently has a lot on his plate with films like 'Imaikka Nodigal', 'Othaikku Othai', 'Semma Botha Aagatha', and 'Rukkumani Vandi Varudhu'. Meanwhile Hansika will be seen in 'Gulebagavali'.