Kamal Haasan, who recently took a political plunge and floated his own party, is back in the public eye. A picture of the actor sporting a big moustache has sent fans into a tizzy. The photo gives a major throwback to his 'Thevar Magan' days. It has also triggered speculations that the picture might be Haasan's new makeover for his forthcoming film 'Indian 2' with director Shankar.
Makers of the film are finalising the cast and crew of the project, and actress Nayanthara is being considered to play the leading lady in the much-awaited sequel. If reports are to be believed, 'Indian 2' may be Haasan's last film before he enters full-time politics. Meanwhile, the actor's highly anticipated 'Vishwaroopam 2' has cleared the censor formalities and has been passed with a 'U/A' certificate.