Samantha Ruth Prabhu and husband Naga Chaitanya put an end to their wedding celebrations with an over-the-top reception in Hyderabad last week. Photos from the lavish event was shared on social media, and it was revealed that the reception saw several A-list guests in attendance. The beaming bride and groom played host to friends like Ram Charan, Venkatesh Daggubati, Allu Arjun, Varun Tej, and Rajul Preet.
The spotlight was, however, taken by superstar Chiranjeevi who greeted and blessed the newly-weds. The couple was photographed greeting several biggies from the south film industry, including SS Rajamouli and veteran actors UV Krishnam Raju, Krishna and Nandamuri Harikrishna were all spotted at the reception. Samantha looked stunning in an embellished gown, with minimal accessories, while Naga looked dapper in blue formals. A family photo was also released with the couple standing alongside Chay's father Nagarjuna, mother Amala Akkineni, brother Akhil Akkineni, and Sam's father, veteran actor Prabhu.