'Sethupathi' actress Ramya Nambeesan weighed in on the ongoing harassment and exploitation scandal of the Tamil film industry. With several actresses coming forward voicing their issues, Ramya said, “I am not ignoring the fact that my co-actors and friends have spoken about the bad influence that exists in the industry. But, fortunately, I have not gone through this. I have been very sure about what I am doing and I always learned to say no to whatever I didn't want to do. But, I am ashamed that my friends have faced such issues.”
She added, “I am not saying it is not there because I haven't gone through this, but I don't have a personal experience. I think the only way to get rid of this is by speaking about it. Now, we have several platforms to talk about it and people are actually listening to what you say. This is not a problem that exists only in cine industry, but everywhere. So, women should be strong and talk about it.”
Talking about her films, she said, “These days it is a bit tough to be selective, but you should be very careful while choosing scripts. I have made mistakes in the past while choosing scripts. In the last few years, I have been very keen on selecting scripts where my character is as important as others. My last outing was 'Sathya' and 'Natpuna Ennanu Theriyuma' is coming up next. I am in no hurry to sign films. I am calm and composed, waiting for the right opportunity.”