Veteran actress Jayasudha is all set to join hands with filmmaker Mani Ratnam, 17 years after they collaborated for 'Alai Payuthey', for a multi-starrer that is currently in the pre-production stage. The yet to be named project will be produced by Mani Ratnam's home banner Madras Talkies. It has already gained a lot of attention from film buffs because of its stellar cast starring Simbu, Arvind Swami, Fahadh Faasil, Vijay Sethupathi, Jyotika, and Aishwarya Rajesh in the lead.
Jayasudha, who was last seen in Karthi's 'Thozha/Oopiri', has been signed to play an essential role in the movie. Ratnam is currently finalising other supporting characters before the shooting begins. This film will also mark Malayalam actor Fahadh Faasil's second straight Tamil project after Sivakarthikeyan's 'Velaikkaran'. Ratnam's long-standing collaborator AR Rahman will compose music for the film.
Ratnam’s last outing, 'Kaatru Veliyidai,' which starred Karthi and Aditi Rao Hydari in the lead roles, bombed at the box-office. Now, he will be looking forward to getting back his mojo with this multi-starrer.