The first look of Pa Ranjith's upcoming Tamil film 'Sarpatta Parambarai' is out and to say Arya is ripped is an understatement. Tipped to explore the boxing culture of North Chennai in the 1990s, the movie will feature the actor in the role of a boxer. The unveiled poster features Arya in a boxing ring with people cheering for him in the background.
The project marks the maiden collaboration between Arya and Pa Ranjith, best known for films such as 'Madras', 'Kaala' and 'Kabali'. Arya worked out to build a ripped body for his character in the film. He had teased his fans not long ago, with his
workout routine from the shoot in a Twitter post. He made a 150 kg squat look like a cakewalk.
The movie was originally planned with Suriya, however, it did not materialize for unknown reasons, and Arya was roped in.