Multi-talented actor Dhanush has been enjoying a good run on the work front for the past few years, however, his personal life was in sorts after an aged couple claiming to be his parents filed a paternity suit.
Dhanush was made to visit the court after the couple filed a case in the Madurai Bench of the Madras High Court. He even underwent tests on his body marks to check the correctness of the claims of the couple. Test results however, came in his favour as it proved that neither Dhanush have any birthmarks as indicated by them nor any indication of his birth mark being artificially removed. It took several trials for the Judge to finally dismiss the petition and free the actor from the proceedings. While the ruling came as a relief to the actor and his family, it comes as a bigger relief to his fans who now have several projects to look forward to. Dhanush's real parents are director Kasthuri Raja and Vijayalakshmi.