Hit southern actors Fahadh Faasil and Suriya have reportedly been approached for Mani Ratnam's upcoming web series 'Navarasa'. Reports reveal that the show would feature one of the biggest casting coups in OTT history. Several other actors like Vijay Sethupathi have reportedly given their nod to be part of the prestigious project.
The project will mark the directorial debut of actors like Arvind Swami and Siddharth, who will direct one episode each apart from Sudha Kongara, Jayendra, Gautham Menon, Bejoy Nambiar, Karthick Naren, and KV Anand. It is yet to be determined if Ratnam will direct one of the episodes or will only be involved as the producer.
On the work front, Ratnam is raring to get back to the sets of his upcoming magnum opus 'Ponniyin Selvan'. Based on Kalki's epic Tamil novel of the same name, the project went on the floors in Thailand last December where the first schedule was filmed for over 90 days. Actors Karthi, Jayam Ravi and Aishwarya Lekshmi took part in the first schedule. The cast so far includes Vikram, Jayam Ravi, Vikram Prabhu, Amitabh Bachchan, Mohan Babu and Aishwarya Rai among others.