Dulquer Salman is all set to make his Bollywood debut, alongside ace performer Irrfan Khan and Mithila Palkar. The yet-to-be-titled film will be bankrolled by Ronnie Screwvala, and will also mark the debut of Akarsh Khurana. Not only is Dulquer a well-known name in the Malayalam film industry, he became every female's heartthrob after Tamil hit 'OK Kanmani'.
“It's a light-hearted comedy that will see Dulquer and Irrfan as friends on a road trip. The film rolls by the month-end in Kerala,” a source said. Palkar gained popularity on the internet, from popular web series 'Girl in the City', and 'Little Things'. The 'Bangalore Days' star is currently gearing up for the release of Bejoy Nambiar's Malayalam-Tamil bilingual, 'Solo' and Soubin Shahir's Malayalam film 'Parava'. Irrfan is currently at the Locarno Film Festival for the world premiere of 'The Song of Scorpions'.