Dulquer Salman was in Chennai for an awards function lately where to everybody's surprise, he expressed his love for lady superstar Nayanthara. When asked what would his favourite dialogue be to say to the pretty heroine, he said he loved Atlee's 'Raja Rani' and had always wanted to say Jai's famous dialogue from the movie. “I love you Nayanthara. I always loved your work and been a great fan of yours for a long time,” Dulquer quickly quipped. Both the actors have never shared screen space and only came together on stage for the recently held Vijay TV Awards.
Nayanthara won two awards, Best Actress and Best Popular Actress, for 'Aramm', one of which was handed over by Salman. Labelled the Lady Superstar of the South, Nayan has a strong fan base across all southern states.