Dulquer Salmaan, who is currently busy with 'Kannum Kannum Kollaiyadithaal', will soon be seen in another Tamil movie titled 'Vaan'. Directed by debutant Ra Karthik, the film will have four heroines. Talking about the movie, Karthik said, “'Vaan' will be a feel-good movie, with the storyline travelling from Chennai to Kolkata. In addition to these two cities, we are also planning to shoot in Coimbatore, Pollachi, Gangtok and Goa. We wanted a title that's related to nature and since each episode will be connected to such an element, we felt that 'Vaan' will be apt.”
The four female leads are rumoured to be Nivetha Pethuraj, Shalini Pandey, and Megha Akash. However, Karthik said they haven't confirmed any of the actresses yet and that talks are still on.