Mrinalini Ravi, a popular Dubsmash artist, is all set to join Kollywood. The young girl whose name is quite popular in Dubsmash circle conquering a great fan following on social media has now entered Kollywood through 'Aaranya Kaandam' director Thiagarajan Kumararaja's upcoming film 'Super Deluxe'. Vijay Sethupathi is playing a role of transgender in the film. The other leding actors include Samantha, Fahad Faasil, Ramya Krishnan and Mysskin. The film is jointly written Thiagarajan Kumararaja, Mysskin, Nalan Kumarasamy and Neelan Shekar. While Yuvan Shankar Raja is composing the music for the film, PS Vinod and Nirav Shah are taking care of the cinematography.