Malayalam film star Dileep has announced his next film titled 'Parakkum Pappan'. He shared the film poster designed like a graphic novel, in which a cape-donning person flies towards the sun as villagers look in awe. Directed by Viyaan Vishnu and Dileep's Graand Prodution is co-producing the film with Carnival Motion Pictures. The actor will join the sets after completing two ongoing projects.
Dileep seems to be unfazed by recent criminal charges he faces in connection with last year's attack on a female actor. He has been accused of masterminding the kidnap and sexual assault of the victim to settle his personal scores. He was even in prison for 85 days and is currently out on bail. He resumed shooting for pending films soon after his release. Dileep is currently shooting for 'Kodathi Samaksham Balan Vakkeel', in which he plays a lawyer. The movie also stars Saiju Kurup, Mamta Mohandas, and Priya Anand among others. The actor is also shooting for '3D movie 'Professor Dinkan', marking the directorial debut of cinematographer Ramachandra Babu.