Dhanush is all set to collaborate with filmmaker Durai Senthilkumar for his next and the project is yet to be titled. It is reported he will be seen playing dual roles in this film. The film, which is set to be bankrolled by Sathya Jyothi Films, was launched last week and the event had the complete cast and crew in attendance. Dhanush, Director Durai, music composer Mervin Solomon, cinematographer Om Prakash and many others were present at the launch of the film. The makers held a puja ceremony at the launch of the film which is slated to be released by end of this year.
The shooting will continue for this yet untitled film as part of the first schedule and will be wrapped up in twenty days, reports reveal. One of the leading ladies will be played by actress Sneha. This will be the reunion for the 'Pudhupettai' pair after thirteen years. The 2006 release was directed by Dhanush's brother Selvaraghavan and is given a cult status by fans of Tamil cinema.