Actor/producer/multi-tasker Dhanush moved Madras High Court seeking quashing of a case filed in a lower court by an elderly couple who claim to be his parents. He also sought a stay on the proceedings pending in the judicial magistrate's court at Melur. The old couple in a petition claimed the actor was their third son and also sought maintenance of Rs 65,000 per month from the actor as they could not fend for themselves. They said he was a school boy when he ran away to Chennai to get into the film world, and that they could not trace him then and recognised him while watching his movies. Their efforts to meet him at Chennai had failed. The claims were denied by Dhanush who said their "entire statement is wrong." When his petition came up for hearing, Justice G Chockalingam directed the couple Kathiresan and Meenaksi to file their counter, and posted the matter to February 8.
On the work front, the actor will next be seen in 'VIP 2', along with Bollywood actress Kajol. She will be seen as sophisticated businesswoman in the action-drama, as revealed by a source. "She plays a suave businesswoman, and there will be different shades to her character. She has already joined the sets and has already shot for a week," the source said.