After a lengthy wait of three years, multi-talented Dhanush's much anticipated movie 'Vada Chennai' has completed its shooting. Makers of the film shared posters of the actor, and it is intriguing at best. The poster released by Wunderbar Films shows Dhanush's character, Anbu, stepping out of the back of a police van in handcuffs, with a big grin on his face. A second poster shows him suspended from a height, holding on to a rope with a dagger in his mouth. The makers are yet to disclose details about his character.
The movie, which means North Chennai, reportedly chronicles the lives of residents of a village over 35 years. Termed to be one of the most ambitious projects in the entire career of director Vetrimaan, there were talks of a trilogy, however, makers have now said they will decide on a second movie based on the responses to the first. Impressed with the script, Dhanush gave 200 days of his schedule for the project. “'Vada Chennai' is not an art-house film. It will be an ultra-commercial movie. We are shooting each part separately. We will shoot the next part after the release of the first part.”