'Ezhumin' is an upcoming film starring Vivekh and Devayani in the lead roles. The film is directed by V.P Viji and this is touted to be Tamil cinema’s first ever martial arts based film. Viji is also the producer of the film. The team started shooting in December, last year.
The latest update on this film is that music director Anirudh has crooned a number for this film. The song will be the title track of the film. It also contains powerful dialogues by Vivekh, pertaining to important social issues like Jallikattu. This will be on the lines of 'Velaiyilla Pattadhari's' theme song. The music is composed by Ganesh Chandrasekaran. There are totally 4 songs in the film. It must be noted that Dhanush and Yogi B had also lent their voices for the album. The audio is expected to release soon.