Action-filmmaker Dhanush is set to star in director Karthik Subbaraj's upcoming Tamil gangster-thriller film, which will be completely shot in the UK. Dhanush tweeted a statement from the makers. He wrote, "I am super exited about my next project, which will be directed by @karthiksubbaraj and produced by @sasha041075 of #ynotstudios with a brilliant cast and crew. Can't wait for this to start next month in London."
The statement read,, "YNOT Studios and Reliance Entertainment are proud to announce our association with the versatile actor Dhanush and the talented director Karthik Subbaraj for our next Tamil feature film." Aishwarya Lekshmi plays the female lead in the film, which will go on the floors in August. The actress shared the news on Instagram, and wrote, "Extremely happy to associate with such industry stalwarts so early on in my career... Taking this as an opportunity to learn and improve myself as an actor. And I am most thankful for all the love pouring in already for this news announcement, and I take it to mean that I have done something right in my acting career till now, and plan to take this forward in whatever better ways possible. Hoping that your prayers and blessings will be with me like always, and now back to work."