Writer-director R S Durai Senthilkumar will be teaming up with actor Dhanush, after the political drama 'Kodi', for the second time in the upcoming entertainer 'Pattas'. Dhanush will be playing a dual role of father and son in the film, while Mehreen Pirzada, Sneha, Naveen Chandra and others play important roles.
The film is produced by Sendhil Thyagarajan & Arjun Thyayagarajan under the banner Sathya Jyothi Films. The film features music composed by 'Sangathamizhan' fame musical duo Vivek-Merwin. On December 4, the makers have officially announced that they has concluded its shooting.
The team has recently released the fast-paced number 'Chill bro', which is sung by Dhanush. The song has achieved more than two-million views within three days of its release. On the technical front, 'Pattas' is shot by 'Aarambam' fame cinematographer Om Prakash while Prakash Mabbu handles the editing department.