Dhanush's upcoming 'Karnan' is all set to hit screens in April this year. Director Mari Selvaraj announced the release date on social media along with a teaser. Dhanush released a statement saying, “Karnan releases in April 2021 in theatres. A much needed encouraging news at the right time. Thank you Thanu sir for thinking of the theatre owners, distributors, exhibitors and everybody whose livelihood is dependent on films and theatres, even though you had other options. A big thank you on behalf of my fans as this means a lot of them.”
Produced by Kalaippuli S Thanu, 'Karnan' marks the first collaboration between Dhanush and Mari. The movie also features Malayalam actor Rajisha Vijayan as the female lead. Music for the movie will be rendered by Santhosh Naryanan. On the work front, Dhanush is also awaiting the release of Karthik Subbaraj-directorial 'Jagame Thanthiram'.