Following the rising Covid-19 cases,the Tamil Nadu government announced a slew of restrictions, including a capacity limitation on theatres. However, that has not deterred the makers of 'Karnan' as they decided to go ahead with the April 9 release as planned.
A day prior to the scheduled release, Kalaippuli S Thanu tweeted, “As promised #Karnan will arrive in theatres tomorrow. As per the need guidelines of our Govt #Karnan will be screened with 50% capacity in theatres along with proper safety measures. I kindly request everyone to provide your support for #Karnan.” Several Indian states have brought back safety measures as the second wave of the coronavirus lashes across the country. Many high-profile films that were set to open in theatres have been postponed. Alongside Tamil Nadu, Karnataka too reintroduced the 50 per cent cap on the occupancy.
Dhanush-starrer 'Karnan' is written and directed by Mari Selvaraj. It also stars Lal, Yogi Babu, Natarajan Subramaniam, Rajisha Vijayan, Gouri G. Kishan, and others.