Filmmaker and actor Dhanush unveiled the teaser of his upcoming film 'Bagheera' starring Prabhu Deva in the lead role. The teaser introduces the titular character constrained in a straitjacket at a mental asylum. 'Bagheera' seems to be giving a lot of trouble to the doctors and officials of the institution. A glimpse of the character shows him wearing a unique kind of sunglasses, which also cover his third eye at the centre of his forehead.
Prabhu Deva is seen in two other get-ups too, suggesting that the actor may be playing multiple roles in the movie. Prabhu Deva seems to have pushed himself out of his comfort zone to give us a whacky genre thriller, filled with glamour, dark humour, and over-the-top dance numbers.
Written and directed by Adhik Ravichandran, the movie also stars Amyra Dastur, Ramya Nambeesan, Janani Iyer, Sanchita Shetty, Gayathrie Shankar, Sakshi Agarwal and Sonia Agarwal.