Actor Vijay Deverakonda of 'Arjun Reddy' fame has revealed he can't wait to reunite with director Sandeep Ranga, and has requested the latter to complete 2-3 scripts in the lockdown so they can reunite soon. In mutual admiration, Sandeep took to Twitter to laud Vijay's efforts to help middle-class families with essential groceries during the lockdown.
He tweeted, “Alloys are a homogeneous mixture of two or more metallic elements like Iron, Steel, Bronze & Titanium to achieve a greater strength to withstand against all sorts of calamities, corrosion & chemical reactions. And you have a pair made out of it. Great & gutsy @TheDeverakonda (sic)”.
Replying to the tweet, Vijay said, “I miss you Vanga. Please finish 2-3 scripts in lockdown. I cannot wait 2 years to shoot (sic).” The actor had announced £130,000 fund to help those affected by the Covid-19 crisis.