There is immense excitement around any Vijay Deverakonda film. After all, he is one of the brightest talents of the Telugu film industry. The teaser of 'World Famous Lover' starring Vijay was recently released and guess what, he is back to doing what he does best; playing a young man trapped in the emotions of passionate love.
The film stars Raashi Khanna, Izabelle Leite, Catherine Tresa and Aishwarya Rajesh in pivotal roles. We see Vijay in four different avatars and that is what piques one's curiosity. In one of them, he is a simple guy who has a wife in Aishwarya Rajesh. In another, we see him in the middle of a battlefield. However, what will resonate the most is the sight of a disoriented Vijay roaming on the streets suffering in love. Every Arjun Reddy fan will identify with it.
The film is directed by K Kranthi Madhav. Producer KS Ramarao has described it as a next-generation love story. Ramarao said, "Keeping the trends and times in mind, I attempted this kind of film. Audiences of all sections are now exposed to all kinds of stuff. There is nothing new or surprising for them. Thanks to social media, there’s so much of information about crime, social evolution in many dimensions available. I thought there must be a novel feel when viewers watch the film. I am sure of it. The content that is being filmed will take the auditoriums to the next level. WFL is, by and large, a next-generation film."
Kranthi Madhav said, "The film is all about love. Be it any generation, love is only the elixir that enlivens the society and the world at large. I have utmost confidence in the film. I’m also a viewer. When I am watching it right now during the post-production, the movie is giving me confidence about its success. It offers out-and-out new and fresh experiences to viewers."