Lokesh Kanagaraj’s upcoming directorial, 'Thalapathy64' starring Vijay will now see the addition of a new comedian. It has been reported that Dheena, who rose to fame with his performance in the Kalakka Povathu Yaaru television show will be starring in the movie.
Dheena, an actor, television personality and scriptwriter had garnered good reviews for his acting in Thumbaa, his debut film. He was also part of Karthi-starrer Kaithi, which released for Deepavali. Interestingly, Lokesh was its director too. It’s said that Dheena will have many combination scenes with Vijay in the film.
Meanwhile, Thalapathy64’s shooting is progressing at a brisk pace and the team recently completed their Chennai schedule at a school in Poonamalle with Vijay, Nasser and Azhagam Perumal. The team has now moved to Shimoga in Karnataka where some of the main sequences involving Vijay and Vijay Sethupathi, the main antagonist will be shot. The film has an ensemble star cast that includes, Malavika Mohanan, Andrea Jeremiah, Shantanu Bhagyaraj, Arjun Das, Premkumar, Chetan, Sanjeev, Srinath and Sriman.