Veteran actor Chiranjeevi has announced free Covid-19 vaccination to cinema workers and journalists in Hyderabad through his Corona Crisis Charity (CCC) in association with Apollo 247. He has urged people to enrol in their respective associations to avail the vaccines.
Chiranjeevi made the announcement in a video, saying the drive will start from April 22. He urged cinema workers and journalists above the age of 45 to come forward and get vaccinated and also bring their spouse if they are eligible. The drive is expected to go on for a month.
The actor is one among many to step forward and help the less fortunate through his charity. Last year, Telugu actors like Varun Tej, Ravi Teja, Vishwak Sen, Sai Dharam Tej, and Sharwanand donated millions through CCC. Chiranjeevi himself donated £100,000 as relief fund.