Actor Chiranjeevi took to Twitter over the weekend to release the trailer of Nagarjuna Akkineni's upcoming Telugu action flick 'Wild Dog'. The movie features Nagarjuna in the lead in the character of a ruthless NIA officer. The trailer video opens with the caption that the story is based on some real-life “bomb blasts”.
Chiranjeevi wrote, “FEROCIOUS, PATRIOTIC TALE OF A DAREDEVIL TEAM. My brother Nag is cool & energetic as ever. He is a fearless actor attempting all genres. Wish team #WildDog & my Producer Niranjan Reddy Good luck!” Abishor Solomon's directorial debut, 'Wild Dog' promises plenty of action.
One of the scenes features a terrorist suggesting he will surrender and requests to be arrested. Nagarjuna shoots him in the head. The movie's title and first look poster were unveiled by the makers in December 2010. 'Wild Dog' has been bankrolled by Matinee Entertainment. The film also stars Dia Mirza, Saiyami Kher, Prakash Sudarshan and Ali Reza among others.