Popular Kannada actor Chiranjeevi Sarja breathed his last in a private hospital in Bengaluru, at the young age of 39. He had reportedly complained of breathlessness and severe chest pain and consulted a doctor. Later he was rushed to a hospital in an unresponsive state last week, where doctors unsuccessfully tried to revive him.
His last rites were performed near Bengaluru. Kannada actors Yash, Shiva Rajkumar and Kiccha Sudeep were seen paying their last respects. Chiranjeevi is survived by his pregnant wife and actress Meghana Raj. His cousin Suraj shared a photo on his Instagram and wrote, “Still can't digest the fact that he is left us and this being last post. Will miss you a lot brother. Just no words to explain.”
Chiranjeevi forayed into films in 2009, with 'Vayuputra'. He had appeared in a number of films such as 'Chirru', 'Ram-Leela', 'Whistle', and 'Amma I Love You'. His last release, 'Shivarjuna', opened in theatres in March this year.