After their mesmerising performances and chemistry in 'Ye Maaya Chesave', 'Manam', and 'Autonagar Surya', Samantha and Naga Chaitanya are back as a pair! The married couple will star together after four years, in Shiva Nirvana's untitled project. Chaitanya announced the news on his Twitter account on the occasion of Women's Day. He wrote, “Happy to announce my next directed by shiva produced by @Shine_Screens and will be sharing screen space (if she gives me any ;-)) with my better half @Samanthaprabhu2 ..feels good to be back to being able to take you through another journey of love.”
Speaking to a media source, director Shiva said, “After 'Ninnu Kori', I wanted to take a gap and do films in different genres. But I struck upon an exciting idea and felt like if I turn it into a story then it'd suit Chaitany. So I went and pitched the idea, and Chaitanya really liked it. I also suggested that it'd be nice to have Samantha as part of this story, and he asked me to go and pitch the story to her. She got really excited after she heard the story.” He added, “Chai is on the verge of completing 'Savyasachi' and he also has Maruthi's next. We haven't locked the shooting days yet. We are most likely to go to the sets once he's relieved of both the projects. Meanwhile, Samantha will also finish her current commitments.”
Samantha is currently shooting for the Telugu and Tamil remake of Kannada indie thriller 'U-Turn'. She also awaits the release of 'Irumbuthirai', is working on Thiagaraja Kumaraja's 'Super Deluxe'.