National Award-winning South Indian actor Prakash Raj has recently been in the news for wrong reasons. The actor had spoken about the death of the famous journalist, Gauri Lankesh and had asked as to why the Prime Minister is keeping quiet about it. He also spoke about how people were going around acting as if nothing had happened and that he would like to give his National Award to them for their acting. His statement was misinterpreted by some journalists and it was reported that Prakash Raj would be returning his National Awards fighting against the killing of Gauri Lankesh. He then trashed the reports by saying he is not a 'fool' to return them as he received them for his body of work. Now, a complaint that has been lodged against the actor by a lawyer in Lucknow for his words against PM Modi.
While explaining his stand, Prakash Raj said, “when such killings are celebrated and the Prime Minister of the country decides to remain silent, it hurts me. This is what I said, and I have a right to say this. It is that simple as that. All this hype saying Prakash Raj is going to reject his National Awards as a protest against the government is something I did not say.”