This tall, hunky actor rose to fame as Mahendra and Amarendra Baahubali in SS Rajamouli's magnum opus 'Baahubali'. After contributing five years to the franchise, Prabhas now believes he will not be able to devote so much time in any future projects. What was touted as the country's biggest success, the movie has now become synonymous to his identity. “Actors have limited time. We also have a shelf life. I think I can't give five years to one project now. Even if I ever give that much time, will simultaneously keep doing other projects because age is also a factor. It will not be good for my career,” he said.
He said the two-part fantasy drama was a “once-in-a-lifetime opportunity” and he was aware that the grand scale of the project demanded a certain level of dedication. “Most of my projects now will have a universal appeal. Regional cinema is different, so now I am trying to choose stories that cater to my audiences across the country. I will do stories which most of the audiences like,” he said. Addressing rumours about his Bollywood debut, the 38 year old said, “I am definitely interested in doing films in Bollywood, and not only in Hindi, I am open to working anywhere in the country, even if it is Punjabi. I will do films in any of the languages, provided the script is good. The region and the language don't matter.”
He said his aim as an actor is to deliver mainstream entertaining fare. “I want my films to be entertaining, not comedy, but something which is gripping. In future, I may do a dark film but currently entertainment is the main criterion,” he said.