Veteran Bollywood actor Amitabh Bachchan is currently working on his Tamil debut, 'Uyarntha Manithan', alongside Ramya Krishnan and SJ Suryah. The actor recently paid tribute to Shivaji Ganeshan in a unique way, also revealing himself to be a disciple of the late actor-filmmaker.
Amitabh Bachchan shared pictures from the sets and tweeted, “T 3141 - Two disciples under the shadow of the MASTER - Shivaji Ganesan .. Surya and self ! Shivaji the Ultimate Iconic Legend of Tamil Cinema .. his picture adorns the wall .. my respect and admiration , i touch his feet !” One of the pictures shows Suryah and Amitabh looking up while the other one has Big B dancing all alone in a room. Both pictures show Shivaji’s picture hanging on the wall.
Shivaji was an actor, producer, and composer who ruled the Tamil industry for decades. He has more than 250 Tamil films, apart from Telugu and Malayalam titles to his credit. The filmmaker has been honoured with four Filmfare Awards South, one National Film Award (Special Jury) and the Dadasaheb Phalke Award.
'Uyarntha Manithan' is currently being shot and pictures from the sets have been doing the rounds on the internet. The films brings together Ramya and Amitabh around 20 years after they worked together in 'Bade Miyan Chote Miyan'.