The latest hop on the bandwagon for KV Anand's 'Suriya 37', actor Arya has joined a cast comprising of Suriya, Mohanlal, Boman Irani, Allu Sirish, Samuthirakani, and Sayyeshaa Saigal. Anand confirmed the report saying, “Finally. Thank u so much sir. It's gonna be fun @Suriya_offl sir whom I admire love and respect a lot.” The filmmaker also uploaded a photo from the sets with a caption that said, “Thank u @boman_irani sir for this great pic. The photographer in you is still at its best.”
It is reported that Arya could be playing the antagonist in the movie. Tentatively titled 'Suriya 37', the film is Anand's third collaboration with Suriya. The director has unbelievably pulled in one of the best actors in the industries. The team is currently shooting for a month-long schedule in London, after which they would return to shoot in Chennai.
Produced by Lyca Productions, 'Suriya 37' will be shot in New York, Brazil, New Delhi, and Hyderabad among other locations. The movie will also see KV Anand collaborating with Pattukotai Prabhakar for the first time.