Actor Arvind Swami is on a signing spree ever since his smashing comeback in Mohan Raja's 'Thani Oruvan'. As per news reports, one of the films he will be seen in is director Selva's 'Vanangamudi'. The movie is reportedly an action drama starring Ritika Singh, Simran, Nandita Shweta, Chandini, Ganesh Venkatraman, and others.
Not only has the star signed the movie, he has also apparently gone the extra mile to prepare for his character. “Been on a gruelling workout and diet, for an episode in #Vanangamudi.. needed to sleep. Apologies to have used this forum to rant.” A source close to the actor said, “After the Maldives schedule, the actor has wrapped up the shooting of 'Bhaskar Oru Rascal'. Now, he is concentrating on an important sequence in 'Vanangamudi', where he is required to flaunt his muscles.” The next schedule of Vanangamudi will commence soon and once he completes it, he will move on to Karthick Naren’s 'Naragaasooran' from October.