'Bhaskar oru Rascal' is a film starring Arvind Samy and Amala Paul. The film is directed by Siddiq who also directed it’s original version in Malayalam. The audio launch of the film was held on Dec 13 in Chennai. Amala Paul who dons the female lead in the film talked about her experience till date.
“I am very happy with the way the film has shaped up, I sincerely thank producer Murugan for his passion in the making of this film, I feel extremely lucky to have been cast in a Siddique film, definitely one of my dreams come true. If I were to pick a favourite person from the industry, it’s darling Arvind Swamy, he is such a nice person inside out. I thank all the cast and crew of the film and I hope the film is a huge success.” said Amala Paul
Off late, Kollywood celebrities have been pleasantly surprising everyone with their fitness trainings, and new makeovers. We recently saw music director D Imman, who reduced his weight, to keep himself fit. Now, the latest to join this list is Gitanjali Selvaraghavan, wife of Selvaraghavan, who directed 'Maalai Nerathu Mayakkam.' She's been constantly working towards her new makeover, and weight loss for the past few months, through food diet and workouts. Now, she has officially posted a new picture on Twitter, which has taken everyone by surprise. Commenting on the picture, Amala said, "Amazing transformation Geeths!! Heard about the unbelievable diet and workouts !! You rock lady"