Multi-talented actor, Arunraja Kamaraj has penned yet another interesting number for Rajinikanth's next film 'Kaala'. Arun revealed the news during the audio launch of 'Ippadai Vellum' last week. The actor-director had previously rendered his voice and wrote the chartbuster number 'Neruppu Da' for 'Kabali'. His fierce voice and powerful words boosted the song to the top. Not to forget, it paired extremely well with Thalaivar's personality.
His latest will be the introduction song in 'Kaala'. The song will also mark the reunion and comeback of Santhosh Narayanan and Arun, after their last collaboration in 'Bairavaa'. Arunraja has worked as lyricist in films such as 'Theri', 'Pencil', 'Kabali', and 'Jigarthanda'.
Meanwhile, Rajinikanth had completed shooting for the Pa Ranjith's directorial. His official spokesperson Riaz tweeted, “It's a wrap for #Kaala #superstarrajini.. @LycaProductions @shankarshanmugh @twopointo song shooting n @arrahman newly built studio.” 'Kaala' is produced by Dhanush's Wunderbar Films.