Director Samuthirakani's upcoming, Sasikumar-starrer 'Naadodigal 2' has roped in Anjali to play the female lead. Not a sequel to the first film, Samu said it will be a completely different story. “This one will have the flavour of 'Naadodigal', but it is a completely different story. Like that film, this one too is set in a town and will talk about love and friendship. It will also touch upon the issue of caste,” he said.
“This might sound cliched, but both Anjali and Sasikumar have such strong roles that either of the two could be contenders for the National Award,” Samu said. Also part of the cast are Bharani and Namo Narayanan, both who were part of the first film, and young and talented Athulya Ravi, who will play a crucial role. “The story's focus is not on who is paired opposite whom, but on each of these characters, and how they become linked. I usually take inspiration for my characters from the society, and these characters, too, will be closer to real life. They will be representative of contemporary youngsters,” he said.
Music for the film will be rendered by Justin Prabhakaran of 'Oru Naal Koothu' fame.