If grapevine is to be believed, actor Anil Kapoor is all set to play the antagonist in actor Mahesh Babu's upcoming Telugu film 'Sarkaru Vaari Paata'. The project is all set to go on the floors very soon, marking the maiden collaboration of filmmaker Parasuram and Mahesh Babu. Reports reveal that Anil Kapoor has been approached to play the antagonist in the film. Parasuram narrated the script to the actor over a phone call, and he is reportedly quite impressed with his character.
However, nothing has been made official yet. Makers of the movie had initially reached out to Kannada actor Kichcha Sudeep for the same role. He, however, could not set aside dates due to his current acting assignments. The project is expected to go on the floors post Dussehra and the makers are planning to shoot the first schedule in the US. A month-long schedule is apparently planned in Washington DC and the makers have already begun the visa formalities. The cast includes Keerthy Suresh in the female lead, opposite Mahesh Babu.