An outspoken and straightforward actress who has always been honest in her statements, Andrea made an important statement recently, about the plight of heroines who do strong characters in movies. “You believe me or not, after 'Taramani', I haven't signed a single film. Not a single movie. Whereas, a heroine who acts opposite Vijay, and does nothing, except for dancing to 3 songs, goes on to sign many more films in quick succession,” she said. Despite her receiving praise for her performance, the she hasn't signed her next.
“Hello, I am not happy to be a pretty young thing on screen. I want to do more than that. Yes, I can look hot, and sexy, and I can act also. So, write roles for me, and don't ask me to come on screen and jiggle my butt, and wear revealing clothes and be happy with that. I am not going to be happy with that. I can appear naked in a scene, in a movie, and it will have and important relevance to the story,” the actress said. She added, “Women who say that they wouldn't do any kissing scenes are the ones who are ultimately objectifying themselves on screen. That is the primary issue for me, especially in Tamil Cinema. But now, it is changing slowly, very very slowly.”
In 'Taramani', she played a single, employed mother. She noted that the success of a woman star is measured by which male superstar she has acted with rather than her own work. “Indian cinema is changing. But in order for a Deepika Padukone to be a Deepika Padukone, she had to act with Shah Rukh Khan. Yes, I can look hot and sexy and I can act also. So, write roles for me and don't ask me to come on screen and jiggle my butt and wear revealing clothes and be happy with that.”