Actor Amitabh Bachchan has been roped in to play a key character in director Nag Ashwin's magnum opus starring Prabhas and Deepika Padukone in the lead. Ashwin took to Twitter to confirm Bachchan would be seen in a full-length role and not a cameo. He tweeted, “Not a guest role or a special appearance... but a full length role so important, tht his characters name was the working title of an early draft...thank you @SrBachchan sir for the privilege... we will make it worthy of your time #Prabhas #DeepikaPadukone.”
Amitabh too tweeted about the role and wrote, “An honour and a privilege to be a part of this momentous & most ambitious venture .. and my greetings for the completion of 50 years for @VyjayanthiFilms.. may you celebrate another 50 .. and on !! Folded hands#Prabhas @deepikapadukone@nagashwin7.”
Currently dubbed 'Prabhas 21', the project commemorates the 50th year of Vyjayanthi Films, and marks Deepika's Telugu debut.