Kollywood star Amala Paul will be making her Bollywood debut in a web series. If recent grapevine is to be believed, she will be seen playing yesteryear actor Parveen Babi in a show directed by Mahesh Bhatt. Amala confirmed signing a project in the production of Vishesh Films. “I’ve signed a project in Bollywood. I could proudly say it’s going to be my most ambitious work yet. I start shoot soon,” Amala said.
While she’s yet to confirm whether she’s signed a film or web series, reliable reports have already confirmed that Amala will be seen as Parveen Babi in an upcoming show.
The actress reportedly joined the sets in Mumbai. However, she had to rush back to Kerala following the unfortunate demise of her father. Last seen on screen in Tamil film 'Aadai', Amala currently awaits the release of Tamil forest-based thriller 'Adho Andha Paravai Pola'. Amala also has Malayalam film 'Aadujeevitham' in the pipeline.