Actor Allu Arjun's daughter Allu Arha is all set to make her silver screen debut with mythological drama 'Shaakuntalam', and will play Prince Bharata in the movie helmed by Guna Sekhar. Production House Guna Teamworks shared a photo of Arha and Guna on Twitter, along with a caption that read, “Welcome on board #AlluArha. The valiant and little wonder, Prince Bharata in #Shaakuntalam. From whom our proud nation derives its name as Bharath.”
Expressing his happiness about Allu Arha’s acting debut, Allu Arjun tweeted, “A proud moment for the Allu family to announce that the fourth generation, #AlluArha will be making her debut with #Shakuntalam movie. I want to thank @Gunasekhar1 garu & @neelima_guna garu for giving my daughter this beautiful movie as her debut.”
He added, “I had an altogether different journey with @Samanthaprabhu2 and am happy to watch Arha debut with her movie. My best wishes to the entire Cast & Crew of #Shakuntalam.”
The movie also features actress Samantha Akkineni. Shoot of the film is currently underway in Hyderabad.