Brother of Akkineni Naga Chaitanya and son of Akkineni Nagarjuna, Akhil has commenced shoot for his upcoming film with director Venky Atluri of 'Tholi Prema' fame. The film unit is all set to go on floors from June 20 in London. The film's leading lady is actress Nidhhi Agerwal of 'Savyasachi' fame. Music will be rendered by SS Thaman, and the film will be produced by BVSN Prasad under SVCC banner. The yet-untitled movie is set to release in the second half of the year. His father Nagarjuna gave the first clap for the film as a symbolic gesture before the shooting got underway in Hyderabad. The film is the 24 year old's third movie after 'Akhil: The Power of Jua' and 'Hello', which released last year.