Actor Akhil Akkineni has announced that he will be teaming up with filmmaker Surender Reddy for his next yet-untitled Telugu project. He took to Twitter to make the announcement. Akhil tweeted, “It's time! Announcing my next with @DirSurender and @AnilSunkara1. This one is extremely special to me. Fully pumped to start soon. Energy all the way.”
The project marks the maiden collaboration of the actor and the filmmaker. Vakkantham Vamsi will handle the story and screenplay, while the movie will be bankrolled by Anil Sunkara.
On the work front, Akhil will be next seen on screen in 'Most Eligible Bachelor (MEB)'. Directed by Bhaskar, the movie also stars Pooja Hegde, who is teaming up with Akhil for the first time. The movie will see Akhil play an NRI while Pooja will be seen as a stand-up comedian. 'MEB' was supposed to be released in May but got postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic.