For the first time in history, a movie clashing against a Rajinikanth film has created an all-time record at the box office. Thala Ajith starrer 'Viswasam' which created havoc at the Tamil Nadu box office when it released on January 10 earlier this year and clashed with Thalaivar's 'Petta'. While the latter made a lot of money at the worldwide box office, 'Viswasam' was the first choice of the moviegoers when it came to the domestic box office.
'Viswasam' is also become the biggest blockbuster ever in a particular industry despite clashing with another big film. It is the highest grossing Tamil film of all time and is biggest Tamil blockbuster at the Tamil Nadu box office braving the love of Rajini. The film managed to earn Rs 200 Crore at the worldwide box office. KJR Studios had earlier tweeted and shared that the film has become the “biggest blockbuster in Tamil cinema.” Directed by Siva, this was the maker's fourth collaboration with Ajith after 'Veeram', 'Vedhalam', and 'Vivegam'.