Tamil superstar Ajith Kumar received a bomb threat call last week, which later turned out to be a hoax. Reports reveal a threat call was made to the Chennai city police control room, in which the caller said a bomb had been planted at the actor's house in the city's Injambakkam area. After the call, the police reached the actor's residence along with the dog squad and carried out a complete search. While no bomb was found at the house, investigation revealed that the call was made by a man named Dinesh who reportedly suffers from mental illness.
This is not Ajith's first stint with hoax threats. Last year in July, he received a bomb threat. Meanwhile, suspect Dinesh has been making similar calls in the past to actors like Rajinikanth and Vijay. On the work front, Ajith Kumar will be next seen in H Vinoth directorial 'Valimai'.