Actor Ajith Kumar, who recently acted in 'Nerkonda Paarvai,' the Tamil remake of 'Pink', may star in the Tamil remake of Ayushmann Khurrana’s 'Article 15.' An official announcement is yet to come from Ajith and from the makers, reports suggest that the 'Viswasam' actor has already given his nod.
'Article 15' starring Ayushmann Khurrana and directed by Anubhav Sinha, received both critical and commercial acclaim. The movie dealt with Article 15 of the Constitution of India, which prohibits discrimination on grounds of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth, and traces a police investigation that after three teenage girls go missing from a small village.
The interesting factor is that producer Boney Kapoor, who has produced both 'Nerkonda Paarvai' as well as the upcoming ‘Thala 60’ has acquired the remake rights of 'Article 15,' paving the way for a possible third collaboration with the Tamil superstar. However, it is to be noted that earlier, Dhanush, had also expressed interest in remaking 'Article 15' in Tamil. Boney and Ajith are currently gearing up to commence work on 'Thala 60,' their second collaborative venture. H Vinoth has been roped in to direct this high-octane action flick which is rumoured to feature Ajith in the role of a racer. There were speculations that Ajay Devgn might make his Tamil debut via 'Thala 60' as the antagonist. Official announcements are yet to come. It is rumoured that 'Thala 60' will feature SJ Suryah, who was last seen in 'Monster,' as the antagonist.
Ajith is currently basking in the phenomenal success of 'Nerkonda Paarvai,' which went on to gross over £20 million at the box-office. The film, which featured Ajith in the role of a lawyer, is his second blockbuster of the year after 'Viswasam.'