Singer-actor-lyricist Arunraja Kamaraj is all set to make his directorial debut with 'Kanna', a sports drama focusing on women's cricket. He has roped in the ever-excited Aishwarya Rajesh to play the lead in the movie, which will be produced by actor Sivakarthikeyan. The film has already gone on floors in Lalgudi, near Trichy. “The film is based on women's cricket and I play a cricketer, who hails from a small town. How she makes her mark and realises her dream form the crux,” Aishwarya said.
While she has some basic idea about the cricket, Aishwarya said it's been quite an experience training for the film. “It is not easy to play this game despite knowing the basics. I have already begun training for it. Also, to be honest, I had never watched women's cricket before signing this film, but now, I have started following it. I love the body language of the women cricketers and the attitude with which they carry themselves. It's an honour to play a woman cricketer on screen,” Aishwarya said. She added, “This one's close to my heart and I have been working sincerely on the project. The film is sure to reach pan-Indian audiences.”
The actress was recently photographed with Australian cricketer Dav Whatmore. Dav also wished her for the film. Sharing the photo, he wrote, “Sth Indian actress Ashy, good luck in your next role as a women's cricketer. Will be watching!!!”