Arunraja Kamaraj's debut directorial venture 'Kanaa' starring Aishwarya Rajesh and Sathyaraj in the lead roles was a hit venture at the box office. The crew recently met at a private hotel in Chennai for the success meet when actress Aishwarya Rajesh took a dig at the fake success meet functions taking place in Kollywood. While she meant it in a light hearted manner, it appears the comment was not received well by certain section of the industry.
Following certain backlash, the 'Vada Chennai' actress took to Twitter to make an apology if her comment had hurt anyone. She tweeted, “Hi guys. It' was jus a fun. Speech for #KanaaSuccessMeet I din. Mean. Any movie. Here. an. Neve hurt anyone I always. Pray for all d movies to become blockbuster hit .. I know how hard it is to make a movie an make it huge. Success. Really sorry if my statement hurt. Any...”